Buying a quality leather bag is an investment, so it’s crucial to learn how you can protect its longevity with Osgoode Marley’s step-by-step guide to optimal leather care. While the wear and tear on leather can allow it to age with grace, cleaning your leather bag every so often will help it stay looking nice for a lifetime.

Osgoode Marley’s leather care products stand out from the typical water-based products by using three all-natural ingredients: seed oils, beeswax and tallow. This also allows for safe cleaning of your products around children and pets. Water and typical water-based leather cleaning products can damage leather when it soaks into the material, but OM products will keep the leather looking new and won’t create more damage over time.

Leather Conditioner
Our Leather Conditioner is designed to restore and rejuvenate your leather products so they’ll look brand new. To properly apply this product to your bag, spray onto a lint-free cloth and rub in circular motions until the leather is fully coated. Let sit for at least 24 hours or until the product is dry. You can reapply Leather Conditioner as needed, or whenever your bag looks like it needs some extra love over time.

Spot Cleaner
If your leather bag is your go-to accessory, it’s bound to collect a few stains every now and then. Our Spot Cleaner can be used to get rid of stubborn stains right after they happen. Clean off any excess dirt or grime and apply Spot Cleaner, rubbing in a circular motion with a small bristled brush. Let dry completely, and follow up with our Leather Conditioner if necessary.

Rain Coat Spray
Protect your bag from rain and other water stains with our Rain Coat Spray. Wipe any excess dirt or grime off of your leather accessory and spray down with Rain Coat Spray until the bag is fully coated. Wait an hour before applying any other product, or until bag is fully dry. Rain Coat Spray also works well on nubuck and suede materials to prevent water damage. This spray can help prevent future water stains from permanently damaging it.

Shop all of our leather care products here!